Movie News

Movie News – Week of 9/30

I've been bandying this idea around a bit recently, but I've never gotten around to actually doing it. This isn't meant as a comprehensive list of movie news happening right now, just what interests me. The bits of news and promo material that caught my eye over the last few days. I'll try to keep… Continue reading Movie News – Week of 9/30

1980s · 2/4 · Clint Eastwood · Review · Western

Pale Rider

#33 in my ranking of Clint Eastwood's films. There are two stories that happen to take pace in the same geological location in this film, and they undercut each other. It's a rather frustrating experience. In a hidden corner of California, a small mining community is desperately clinging to their foothold of ground, convinced that… Continue reading Pale Rider

2.5/4 · 2000s · Action · JJ Abrams · Mission Impossible · Review

Mission: Impossible III

For most of this movie’s runtime, it’s quite an enjoyable high tech spy thriller, but I absolutely hate it’s last twenty minutes. I’ve only seen this twice: once upon its initial theatrical run and just recently on Amazon Prime. I remember feeling largely the same reaction then as I did this time, and the epicenter… Continue reading Mission: Impossible III