1980s · 3/4 · Comedy · Joe Dante · Review

The ‘Burbs

#7 in my ranking of Joe Dante's filmography. Joe Dante met some mild success with Innerspace and went to the Universal backlot to shoot a little film with Tom Hanks that ends up feeling as much like a collection of influences as it does a movie. It's like a combination of Universal monster film, Looney… Continue reading The ‘Burbs

1980s · 3.5/4 · Comedy · Joe Dante · Review · Science Fiction


#2 in my ranking of Joe Dante's filmography. Joe Dante goes corporate, sanding off most of his edges, and coming up with a movie that ends up both distinctly his and feeling more like a product than anything else he'd made before. Perhaps giving him a box to operate in (similar to what he was… Continue reading Innerspace

1980s · 3/4 · Joe Dante · Review · Science Fiction


#5 in my ranking of Joe Dante's filmography. There's something about horror directors that makes them ideal children's film filmmakers. There's a lack of reticence about upping tension and fear just to certain levels that kids can take and scare them that makes them slightly more dangerous than the typical kids entertainment. The key is… Continue reading Explorers