1/4 · 1990s · Review · Science Fiction

Star Trek: Insurrection

#13 in my Ranking of all Star Trek films. I want to say that Insurrection is easily the worst Star Trek movie, but The Final Frontier exists. It's not easily the worst, but it is the worst. So, upon this most recent rewatch, I started asking myself, "What's the story to this movie? What's the… Continue reading Star Trek: Insurrection

1990s · 3.5/4 · Review · Science Fiction

Star Trek: First Contact

#3 in my Ranking of all Star Trek films. The Next Generation's first solo adventure went a similar route to The Wrath of Khan. Eschewing the weird aspects of the previous film (including a very television B plot), they embraced the idea of a single adventure with multiple facets that feed into each other. The… Continue reading Star Trek: First Contact