1940s · 3/4 · Billy Wilder · Review · War

Five Graves to Cairo

#22 in my Ranking of Billy Wilder movies. This movie almost lost me in its second act. It seemed to be going in about four different directions at once, but the air raid and the third act began and everything snapped right back together. The almost directionlessness of that second act makes this, Billy Wilder's… Continue reading Five Graves to Cairo

Random Thoughts

A Quick Thought about Rotten Tomatoes

Looking at the disparity between critics and audience scores on Rotten Tomatoes seems to be a favorite pass time and way to create a punching back of critics. It's usually brought up with really big movies that critics hate or love while the audience does the opposite. Star Wars: The Last Jedi got hit with this… Continue reading A Quick Thought about Rotten Tomatoes

Top Ten

The Alien Franchise Ranked: The Definitive Ranking

A top 7...of 6 movies. Well, at least it's not a top ten. So, I wrote separate reviews of the two cuts of Alien 3 because, I feel, they are materially different enough to justify separate looks. I also excluded the Alien vs. Predator films because they suck and I consider them a separate franchise. Well, enough… Continue reading The Alien Franchise Ranked: The Definitive Ranking