Review · 1/4 · 1990s · Thriller · William Friedkin


This really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Directing from a script by Joe Eszterhas, William Friedkin brings a professional air to a trashy erotic-thriller that's not that trashy nor that erotic. It's mostly just kind of dull. I don't think Friedkin had ever directed anything sexy before, and there's a surprisingly sterile quality… Continue reading Jade

1990s · 2/4 · Crime · Drama · Review · William Friedkin


This kind of reminds me of the Masters of Horror series, the series of short films made for Showtime in the early 2000s, hyping up the talents of filmmakers like John Carpenter and Joe Dante which ended up being largely just an uneven series of random horror-like stories without any real authorial stamps from the… Continue reading Jailbreakers

1980s · 2.5/4 · Review · Thriller · William Friedkin

C.A.T. Squad: Python Wolf

Well, this is a surprise. The sequel to William Friedkin's and Gerald Petievich's network television film C.A.T. Squad, a largely dull affair masquerading as a thriller, is actually…pretty decent? I mean, I still wouldn't go so far as to call it good, but it's perfectly competent. Maybe it's the inclusion of Robert Ward as a… Continue reading C.A.T. Squad: Python Wolf